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Average Speed Calculator

Reviewed by BS Román Ramos

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How much time has passed?

What distance has been covered?

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  • The average speed is:

Table of Contents

How to use this calculator

Our simulator is capable of calculating the average pace or average speed based on the time used to cover a specific distance.

To use it, simply enter the data requested: first, the distance of the journey in question; second, the time used to complete the journey in hours, minutes, and even seconds (you can combine all three).

Once all the data is entered, click on “Calculate” and our tool will give you the result you are looking for in a matter of seconds.

If, on the other hand, you prefer to learn how to calculate it manually, keep reading and learn everything you need to know to do it, we have made an effort to do it step by step and guided with examples so that you don't miss even the smallest detail.

How to calculate average speed

Average speed is understood as the quotient of distance traveled and the time invested in traveling it. Hence, the average speed is given by the following quite simple formula:


However, in some cases, the problem could pose other unknowns that this formula cannot answer, for example, the different speeds reached in a specific period of time or in a specific space.

In these cases, to calculate the average speed we must use different formulas to these. Therefore, now we are going to tell you all the formulas you can use to solve all the problems related to average speed.

Calculating average speed using distance and time variables

This method works if we know: the total distance and the time it took to travel it.

For example, if you have traveled 120 kilometers in 2 hours, what was your average speed?

$$\dfrac{120\ km}{2\ hours} = 60\ kilometers\ per\ hour$$

This is the simplest way to perform this calculation, the formula is:

$$V = \frac{d}{t}$$

Where V represents the average speed, d represents the total distance traveled (usually in kilometers, although it can also be in meters) and t represents the total time used (whether in minutes or hours).

If you notice, in the operation we have performed above, we have substituted all the unknowns we knew from the formula, and it has been like this:

$$V =\frac{240}{2},\ where\ 120\ is\ d$$

That is, the total distance traveled (in km) and the number two replaces the unknown t, which is the total time it took to cover that distance.

Therefore, we can conclude that, if you have traveled 120 km in two hours, you have done it at an average speed of 60 kilometers per hour.

Calculating it using distance and different time intervals

To use this formula, you will need to know: the total distance traveled in the various sections and the average speed used in them.

For example, if Juan makes a journey of 220 km in 2 hours and another of 300 km for which he needed 3 hours, What has been the average speed at which Juan has traveled during the entire journey (520 km)?

The formula that will allow you to solve this problem is the following:

First, we will need to calculate the total distance traveled, for which you must add both distances, in this case

$$220 + 300 = 520$$

this figure will replace the variable d in the following formula (which is practically identical to the previous one):

$$S = \frac{d (distance)}{t (time)}$$

In our case:

$$S = \frac{540}{t}$$

To replace this t you simply need to calculate the total distance traveled, and, as in the previous step, you just have to add both and substitute the result in the equation.

$$2 + 3 = 5; S = \frac{520}{5}$$

Now all that remains is to perform the division, whose result is 108, this will mean that Juan traveled 520 kilometers at an average speed of 108 km/h.

How to calculate average speed knowing the speed and different time intervals.

To carry out the use of this formula, you will need to know: the different speeds and the time for which they were used.

For example, if Juan travels at 90 km/h for 4 hours and at 80 km/h for 5 hours, What has been his average speed during the total trip?

We will again use the formula to calculate speed, which we have analyzed previously, that is

$$V = \frac{d}{t}$$

First, you will need to know the total distance traveled, for this multiply individually each speed by its respective time interval, thus you will obtain the distance traveled in each part of the journey:

In our case:

  • 90 km/h for 4 hours = 320 km
  • 80 km/h for 5 hours = 400 km

At this point, add both distances to obtain the total: 320 + 400 = 720.

Now you will need to calculate the total time used to cover those 720 kilometers, as in the previous case, you simply have to add both, and the result you get will be the one that will replace t in the previous equation.

In this case it would be: 4 + 5 = 9 total hours Juan was traveling.

Once you have reached this point, you simply have to substitute the values in the formula and apply the division to know the definitive average speed:

$$V = \frac{720}{9} = 80\ km/h$$

This is the speed at which Juan traveled on average during the 720 kilometers traveled.

Calculating it using two maintained speeds and a constant distance

To execute this method, you will need to know: 2 different speeds, provided that for each speed the distance is constant.

For example, if Juan drives for 250 km at a speed of 85 km/h, and when making the return journey covers those 250 km at a speed of 105 km/h because he knows the way better, What will be the average speed at which Juan will have driven during the entire round trip?

For this type of problem, we are going to use a different formula, since it will serve us to solve situations in which we have two partial speeds to cover the same distance using two different speeds:

$$V = \frac{2ab}{(a + b)}$$

In this equation, V is the average speed, a is the speed used during the outward journey, and b is the speed used during the return journey.

Remember that it will only serve you if the two distances traveled are equally long, even if they have been traveled at different speeds. In the case where three journeys of identical distance were made, simply add a new variable to the equation to obtain the result:

$$V = \frac{3abc}{(ab + bc +ca)}$$

At this point, substitute the different unknowns found within the formula. You can indistinctly assign the values of a and b either to the outward journey or the return journey.

In this case, the outward journey was made at a speed of 85 km/h, while the second was carried out at 105 km/h. If we substitute the unknowns in the equation, we will have something like this:

$$V = \frac{2 \times 85 \times 105}{(85 + 105)}$$

$$V = \frac{17,850}{190}$$

$$V = 93.94\ km/h$$

Once the whole process has been carried out, we can affirm that Juan started a journey of 250 kilometers at a speed of 85 km/h, but that upon returning to the starting point and traveling those 250 km/h again he did it at a speed of 105 km/h, after the calculations made, we can affirm that the entire trip was made at an average of 77 km/h.

And this is all you need to know to calculate average speed in its different forms and variables.

In this article, you have learned how to use the average speed calculator and, also, how to do it manually, in the different possible cases that could arise and always guided by examples.

We hope you enjoyed the article, if so, why not share it on your social networks? That way you will help us grow as a community, and to continue programming calculators and simulators for free.

Finally, if you find typos in the article or programming errors in the online calculator do not hesitate to use the contact page to tell us, so we can solve all these kinds of problems as soon as possible.

BS Román Ramos
Bachelor of Mathematics and Master in Operations Research from UCV.
Román Ramos holds a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics from the Central University of ... Read more »

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