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Fuel Consumption Calculator

Reviewed by BS Román Ramos

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Sections 1 and 2 are mandatory.



🔗 Check here the fuel price for your vehicle as of today.


How many passengers (including you) will there be?

Will you and/or the passengers be carrying luggage?
Will you take a roof rack or luggage carrier?



Do you think you will find traffic jam? If so, how long do you estimate it will last?


How many times do you make the trip monthly?


Cost of the journey:

Assuming a distance of and a fuel price of , here are more details:

  • Cost of the journey:
  • Cost per :
  • Required fuel:
  • Cost per passenger:
  • Monthly cost:
  • These results are approximate.

Table of Contents


To use our consumed gasoline calculator, simply enter the following information requested in the forms.

You must enter the following information:

  1. The distance you intend to travel in kilometers or miles.
  2. The average consumption of your vehicle per 100 km or miles.
  3. The price per liter or gallon of fuel.

You can also optionally provide the following information:

  1. The number of passengers. Remember to always include yourself in the total.
  2. The amount of luggage each passenger will carry.
  3. Whether a roof rack will be used or not.
  4. Whether the air conditioning will be used during the trip.
  5. Whether you will travel with the windows down.
  6. Whether the low beam lights will be used for most of the trip.
  7. The estimated traffic jam forecasts.
  8. The frequency with which the trip is made on a monthly basis.

Once you have entered this data, simply click on “Calculate and the calculator will do the rest, giving you the result you were looking for in seconds.

On the other hand, we will explain how to manually calculate the average consumption of your vehicle.

We will also give you a series of tips that will come in handy for achieving efficient driving while saving a large amount of fuel, keep reading and we’ll explain how.

How to calculate fuel consumption

Although the consumption rate of a car changes depending on various factors, calculating gasoline expenditure can be quite simple.

It is worth noting that the formula that allows you to know the gasoline consumption is relatively simple, it is based on dividing the distance traveled by the amount of fuel used.

The consumption rate of a car is generally measured in liters or gallons consumed per kilometer or mile.

Preparation before calculation

The ideal moment to start controlling the distance traveled is right after having filled the tank to the maximum.

Reset the vehicle's trip odometer right after filling it with gasoline.

Once you have filled your car's tank with gasoline, press the button that allows you to reset this odometer, take a trip of a few kilometers and check it to see exactly how many you have traveled.

If, on the other hand, your vehicle does not have this tool, do not worry, take note of the kilometers traveled before starting the journey on your traditional odometer and then subtract them from the number of kilometers it marks at the end of the trip.

Performing the simple calculation

Stop at a safe point, note the total distance traveled, divide it by the amount of fuel used and you will obtain the average consumption rate of liter or gallon of fuel per kilometer or mile traveled.

If you want to be even more sure, or if you are not sure that the fuel gauge gives you a reliable result, fill your tank again and control the amount of liters you have had to put for the tank to be full again.

This is the quick way to do it, but it is also the most inaccurate. If you want to have more exhaustive control, you must do it the slow way which will allow you a more exact figure for long-term consumption.

Performing the complex calculation

To carry out this second method, you must control the kilometers or miles traveled until you almost run out of gasoline in your car.

In reality, you can perform the calculation no matter how much gas you leave in the tank, but the more gasoline you use the more accurate it will be. Be careful not to run out completely!

Once this is done, take note of the amount of gasoline or diesel when refilling the tank, now it will be essential to fill the tank to the top and control the liters introduced into it.

This data represents the “Gasoline used” to be able to make the previous journey (or journeys).

Finally, divide the kilometers traveled by the amount of gasoline used for it. Thus, you will obtain the average expenditure of the vehicle, that is, the total distance (in km) that you can travel with 1 liter of gasoline.

For example, imagine that you traveled 220 km using 11 liters of gasoline, this would mean that the average consumption of your vehicle is 20 liters per kilometer, we know this because it is the result of dividing the 200 km traveled by the 11 liters used (220 / 11).

How to reduce the average fuel consumption

Remember that the expenditure of diesel or gasoline changes depending on how you drive.

For example, if you drive a vehicle making constant accelerations and braking, you will end up consuming a much higher amount of fuel than the average.

You should also consider that the fuel consumption increases proportionally to a vehicle's speed.

These and other factors can lead to higher than usual consumption.

Now we are going to give you a series of tips so that you can significantly reduce the fuel consumption of your vehicle:

Air conditioning

Do not use the air conditioning if it is not really necessary, since having it on the car consumes up to 25% more than its usual consumption.


Respect the speed limits, think that the faster you go, the more fuel you consume. In figures, whenever you exceed 80 km/h by 5 km/h, you will consume 10% more fuel.

Engine time

Turn off the engine if traffic conditions force you to stop for a long time. This happens more often than it seems, and having the engine on when it is really not necessary, after all, is just an unnecessary expense.

Driving style

Drive in a steady manner, since more energy is needed to start a vehicle than to keep it moving. This means that a good part of the fuel is consumed during the acceleration phase, therefore, if you have a more or less constant speed, without sudden changes in speed, you will save quite a bit of fuel.

Roof racks

Avoid using the roof rack whenever you can, and when you are not carrying anything, remove it. Using it can mean a fuel expenditure up to 15% higher.


Regularly check the tire pressure. Driving with deflated tires reduces the number of kilometers traveled by 0.3% for each liter of fuel. However, if you use the air pumps that you can find at all service stations, you can maintain stable tire pressure, greater safety for you and your vehicle, and also save fuel.

This is all you need to know to calculate the gasoline consumption in the most accurate way possible.

We hope you liked the article and the tool, if so, share it on your social networks, so all your contacts will learn how to calculate the necessary gasoline for their next trip.

Finally, if you find programming errors or errors in the form of the article, do not hesitate to contact us through the contact page, so we can correct the errors more quickly.

BS Román Ramos
Bachelor of Mathematics and Master in Operations Research from UCV.
Román Ramos holds a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics from the Central University of ... Read more »

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