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Discount calculator

Reviewed by BS Román Ramos

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Table of Contents

How to Use the Discount Calculator

To use our online simulator, you must enter the initial amount, as well as the discount percentage you want to apply.

Once you have entered both values, click on "Calculate" and our tool will show you the price you would be paying with the discount applied.

However, this is the simplest option, although also the most used, to relate figures and discounts, whatever their amount, but it is not the only one, if you keep reading this post we are going to explain all the possibilities you have for performing these types of calculations.

How to Calculate Discounts on the Real Price

A formula that allows us to calculate discounts from the price knowing the percentage to discount, is the one we present below:

$$Discount\ on\ the\ real\ price = \frac{(\%\ of\ discount) (Total\ price)}{100}$$

To calculate the discount on a price we will have to multiply the discount percentage by the total, and then divide the result by 100.

Practical Example

Juan wants to buy a new acoustic guitar that with its normal price costs 380 €. But since Juan is a regular customer, the clerk has decided to give him a 15% discount. That is:

  • The discount percentage applied is 15%.

  • The initial price of the guitar was 380 €.

Applying the formula seen above, we can easily calculate the discount:

$$\frac{(15) (380)}{100} = 57$$

Therefore, the discount on the price is 57 €, the guitar with the discount applied will cost Juan 323 €, this number we will obtain in a very simple way, it will be enough to subtract the 57 of reduction from the initial 380 € (380 – 57 = 323€).

More Advanced Calculations

The previous one is the simplest calculation of this type, but sometimes we are going to find discounts that we cannot calculate using this formula, or only part of it serves us and it turns out to be too tedious.

To solve this we have listed the three most likely cases in which you may need to calculate discounts and their respective solutions, for this consider the following variables:

  • R = the discount percentage.

  • N = total price

  • P = price of the product with discount.

Here are the different options according to the case.

Calculate the price of the product with discount (P), knowing the discount percentage (R) and the total price

This simple formula gives us the amount of the discount:

$$P = \frac{(R \times N)}{100}$$

To obtain the final price to pay on the discount we calculate:

$$(N - P)$$

But what if what I want to calculate is an increase instead of a discount? In that case, the previous formula would undergo a slight modification:

$$(N + P)$$

This would be the price with the increase already applied.

Calculate the discount percentage (R), if you know the total price (N) and also the price with the discount applied (P)

To determine the value of R, we simply apply the following formula:

$$R=\frac{(P \times 100)}{N}$$

Calculate the total price (N), knowing the discount percentage (R) and the price with the discount applied (P)

In such case we must do:

$$N=\frac{100\times P}{R}$$

And these are all the formulas you need to know to calculate discounts, we hope this post has been useful and has helped you resolve all your doubts around discounts and their formulas.

In any case, we would like to remind you that it is not necessary to remember all these formulas by heart, it is enough to have our discount calculator on hand which will do all the work for you.

Why Calculate Discounts

During shopping, especially in times of crisis, it is easy to find people who go in search of discounts to make their purchases.

Navigating through the mountain of sales in shopping centers can be laborious, either because some businesses with bad intentions try to manipulate the price or because the final price is not indicated on the signs and you will have to calculate it yourself.

If we find ourselves in this situation, use the tips we are going to give you to manually calculate both the discount percentage being offered on a certain product as well as the final price of said product.

If you liked the article and found it to be filled with useful information, share it on your social networks and spread among all your contacts this community of calculators and simulators for free.

Finally, if you find errors of any kind either in the tool or in the text of the article, do not hesitate to tell us using the contact page form, so we can resolve all the issues that there may be as soon as possible.

BS Román Ramos
Bachelor of Mathematics and Master in Operations Research from UCV.
Román Ramos holds a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics from the Central University of ... Read more »

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