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Bicycle Size Calculator

Reviewed by BS Román Ramos

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Bicycle type


  • Bike size:
  • Vertical tube length of the frame: centimeters o inches
  • These results are approximate.

Table of Contents

How to Use the Bike Size Calculator

To use our online bike size calculator, you simply need to enter two pieces of information:

  1. The length or height of your hip or inseam.
  2. The type of bike.

Once you have entered both values, click on “Calculate” and the tool will automatically return the result, indicating which bike size best suits your needs.

If you want more information on how the calculations are made, we recommend you keep reading.

Types of Bikes

There are three fundamental types of bikes:

Road Bikes

Road bike

Road bikes are primarily used for speed competitions.

That's why a notable aspect of these is their lightness and aerodynamics.

Mountain Bikes or MTB

Mountain bike

Mountain bikes are used for more difficult terrain conditions, such as in "Cross Country” competitions.

One of their characteristics is that they tend to be more durable than other variants.

Urban or City Bikes

Urban bicycle

City bikes are commonly used for commuting, leisure, and enjoyment in urban environments.

They generally focus on ergonomics.

Parts of a Bike

In the following image, we show you the parts of a bike. Knowing them will make the calculations we will show you shortly easier.

Bike parts

How to Calculate Your Bike Size

Normally, you will find instructions based on known formulas, but as each individual has their own physiology and the biomechanics of cycling is quite complicated, if you require perfect calculations because, for example, you compete, we recommend you visit a professional.

If not, our approximate information might be sufficient.

First, You Must Know the Units of Measurement

Knowing the most suitable frame measurements for us is a complex operation, and in this article, we are going to explain how to do it.

When it comes to bike measurements, two different systems are generally used: the international system (centimeters) and the Anglo-Saxon system (inches).

In both cases, the bike size is associated with the measurement of a single element of the frame itself: the vertical tube of the frame.


A size 46 bike refers to a bike with 46 centimeters in length on the vertical tube of the frame.

A size 18 bike refers to a bike with 18 inches in length on the vertical tube of the frame. This measurement is often used for mountain bikes.

A generic size XS, S, M, L, XL or XXL usually has a vertical tube of the frame of variable length (depending on the manufacturer). Here is the equivalence table:

Generic size

Size in cm

Size in inches


49 or smaller

14 or smaller














62 or larger

23 or larger

Formula to Calculate the Frame Size

To know which size fits you best, you must know the height of your hip:

Hip height

Once you know this data, you can proceed to apply the formula based on the type of bike you are looking for:

  • Mountain bike (mtb) size = 0.57 x Hip height (cm)
  • Road bike size = 0.67 x Hip height (cm)
  • Urban bike size = 0.65 x Hip height (cm)

Many bikes usually have an additional horizontal tube or another similar element, in this case, you should reduce the result of the previous formula by 2 or 3 centimeters.

And that's all you need to know about bike size, we hope this article has been useful and you have been able to find what you were looking for.

If so and the article has met your expectations, share it on your social networks, so you will help more bike enthusiasts like you to discover this community of calculators and simulators for free.

BS Román Ramos
Bachelor of Mathematics and Master in Operations Research from UCV.
Román Ramos holds a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics from the Central University of ... Read more »

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